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美国软件公司 KAYAK 正在香港办事处招聘后端 Java 工程师。

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  •   KAYAKTalent · 2018-01-25 06:08:05 +08:00 · 1582 次点击
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    We are looking for Java backend developers to help improve and maintain KAYAK ’ s world leading search and booking technology. We integrate with over 200 travel partners and link to over 500,000 hotels and 550 airlines. You will be an essential part of a high powered team that keeps all of this running smoothly – helping millions of people find the best hotels and the best ways to fly from A to B every day! The role will be based in Hong Kong and report to the VP Engineering in KAYAK Boston USA.


    -A solid Software Engineer with backend experience
    -Must be comfortable in a fast paced startup environment
    -Hands on and self-motivated


    -Implement new search and booking features
    -Improve existing features with an eye towards speed and user experience
    -Create and maintain existing integrations with third-party APIs
    -Help make the best travel search app in the world


    -Bachelor degree or higher in Computer Science or related field
    -3+ years software development experience
    -Java (multi-threaded experience)
    -Spring, SQL, HTTP, XML, JSON
    -Bonus Points
    -MySQL, Git, Tomcat, Apache
    -Knows difference between URI and URL
    -Ability to effectively communicate complex technical and business concepts to a range of audiences
    -Excellent verbal and written communication skills as well as the ability to work effectively across internal and external organizations
    -Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese)
    -English resume is required

    About KAYAK

    Our mission at KAYAK is to provide the world ’ s favorite travel planning tools. With every query, KAYAK searches other sites to show travelers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, rental cars and vacation packages.

    And because our team is always on the lookout looking for ways to make travel planning and trip management even easier, we offer a variety of tools and features such as KAYAK Trips, Explore and Price Forecast and are constantly evolving our app, Facebook Messenger and Slack bots, Alexa skill and related A.I. innovations.

    In addition to KAYAK, we manage a portfolio of metasearch brands including: momondo, Cheapflights, SWOODOO, checkfelix and Mundi that together process more than two billion consumer queries a year.

    KAYAK is an independently managed subsidiary of The Priceline Group.

    Benefits and Perks

    -Exciting, fast-paced and entrepreneurial culture
    -20 days vacation, day off on your birthday
    -Flexible hours
    -No stupid meetings
    -Visa sponsorship and relocation are available
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