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2013-09-15 19:58:01 +08:00
回复了 nuist 创建的主题 JavaScript jsoup 解析html问题
2013-09-15 19:16:08 +08:00
回复了 bakac 创建的主题 VPS 现在最快的境外VPS供应商是?与天朝相连的速度
2013-07-13 02:07:25 +08:00
回复了 HiVPS 创建的主题 VPS 万网的VPS中内置的间谍进程如何删除?
2013-07-13 02:05:23 +08:00
回复了 jamesxu 创建的主题 Linode vps服务器差点被入侵
关闭ssh, 使用串口
2013-05-23 01:42:55 +08:00
回复了 breeswish 创建的主题 VPS DigitalOcean VPS的SSD坏了…他们补偿了$50
@wontoncc 连北京速度飞快
2013-05-21 21:16:46 +08:00
回复了 breeswish 创建的主题 VPS DigitalOcean VPS的SSD坏了…他们补偿了$50
Thank you for your detailed ticket. I am deeply regretful about this news.

Unfortunately, our Engineers have reported the hypervisor your droplet was located had encountered unrecoverable RAID Failure. Due to this issue, your droplet and all data contained in it was lost. We have issued a $50.00 SLA Credit to your account with regard to this failure.

We are unable to recover the system so if you have any backups or snapshots of that server please create a new virtual server from them.

If you have backups of the server, do not destroy the server from your control panel yet as that will also remove the backups associated with it.

We are taking this issue very seriously and are in the process of implementing a solution that will eliminate this issue from re-occurring. One of the options includes backing up all VMs on a regular basis.

Additionally, DigitalOcean will be building out an analytics and monitoring feature in the coming months to provide you with utilization and failure alerts.

Again, we're very sorry and please let us know if there is anything we can do on our end to help your situation.

2013-05-21 00:22:05 +08:00
回复了 qiuai 创建的主题 Linode 新开了个VPS...结果新IP就是被墙的...
在 C++ 中新建一个 list 是这样的: std::list<int> List;
在 C++ 中新建一个 list数组 是这样的:new std::list< class *>[ number ]
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